Profile Node System

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The Profile Node System is a means of translating Lightforge's input values into values compatible with whatever lighting fixtures you may be using.



A node is a container that executes predefined function on the data passing through it's inputs and outputs (called pins). A node system works by allowing you to feed a flow of information from one node to the next in order to make adjustments to the data flowing through the system.

A simple example of this is to calculate 3 + 6. You can calculate this with the following node setup:

     [Value Node @ 3]
                       [Add Node]----[Output = 9]
     [Value Node @ 6]

The value of 3 flows from the top value node into the add node. The value of 6 flows from the bottom value node into the add node. The add node adds Input 1 + Input 2, and the resulting value of 9 flows out the add node.


Pin Formats

Each pin has a defined format type that it can accept. The formats may change based on what is connected to certain pins in the node. Pin types include the following.

8 Bit

8 Bit pins give you a 0 to 255 range of whole values.

16 Bit

16 Bit pins give you a 0 to 65535 range of whole values


Decimal pins are a 64-bit (8-byte) double-precision floating-point numbers ranging in value from -1.79769313486231570E+308 through -4.94065645841246544E-324 for negative values and from 4.94065645841246544E-324 through 1.79769313486231570E+308 for positive values.


Color Pins accept and output a 24bit RGB color structure.

Auto Detect

Auto Detect pins will turn into whatever format type you connect to them.

Working With Nodes

Adding Nodes

To add a node right click on an empty area of the canvas and select the type of node you would like to add.

Moving Nodes

To move a node click and drag it to the position you'd like it to be.

Deleting Nodes

To delete a node right click on it and press delete on the context menu.

Connecting Nodes

To connect node inputs and outputs click and drag from the output of the first node to the input of the second. Multiple connections can be made from one output, but only one connection can go to any input.

Disconnecting Nodes

To disconnect a node connection click on the input that the connection is on and drag it off the pin and release it.

Node Types

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