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Disapearing cue and palette issues with Errors
  • was working on cues, then made a new cue next to original, the first cue disappeared from the timeline.. all of it is gone..

    then all my Palettes stopped working.. Submaster works and direct control works..

    here is the error log
    3/30/2013 12:33:07 AM Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
    at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNextRare()
    at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNext()
    at Lightforge.effectSettings.DrawKeyframes(Graphics gr)
    at Lightforge.effectSettings.DrawTimeline(Graphics gr)
    at Lightforge.effectSettings.effectPanel_Paint(Object sender, PaintEventArgs e)

    there are about 6 or 7 of these in the error logs, all the same..

  • update..

    I can get my palettes to work again, by manually turning on and moving the movers, turn on and off the pars and panels.. then the palettes begin to work again
  • Would you mind sending me your show file? That error you are getting is a harmless error related to drawing keyframes in the effect settings panel. It doesn't affect anything other than an occasional keyframe not getting drawn when an effect is first added from a cue. I'd like to take a look at your show and see if I can pinpoint what might be causing the palette and cue issue for you.

    Chris Monson
    Lead Developer
    Visual Sorcery
  • Ok.. also, my cue is BACK.. just showed up.. yea.. wish I saw it 20 mins ago hahahaha
  • ok, lost the cue again.. but the main word is up in the right hand, but no timeline cue
  • ok, so I exited and returned, no I am see all my cues..

    so I am thinking that the error may be a redraw refresh issues, in other words, I am actually creating the cues, I just cannot, SEE them..
  • I think you may be correct. What are the specs of your computer? Do you have the default interface set up still? On slow machines sometimes it struggles to redraw everything under certain circumstances. Try removing any unneeded panels (dmx view in particular is a resource hog). Also, stretching across multiple monitors on slower computer takes a pretty big toll on redraw speed.

    Chris Monson
    Lead Developer
    Visual Sorcery