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Added Music got stacking errors
  • ok, I went to add a worship cue and added a audio track.. happened to be a AAC file.. which I had tested before

    and I got this error and it just continued, over and over, I exited after it hit 300.. I image this maybe the image for the wave form as I didn't see anything..

    3/30/2013 2:27:04 AM Rectangle '{X=165,Y=312,Width=0,Height=30}' cannot have a width or height equal to 0.
    at System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush..ctor(Rectangle rect, Color color1, Color color2, LinearGradientMode linearGradientMode)
    at Lightforge.Timeline.drawAudio(Graphics gr, Int32 startY)
    at Lightforge.Timeline.BuildFrames(Graphics gr)
    at Lightforge.Timeline.Timeline_Paint(Object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
  • Hmm.. yeah, it apparently didn't like building the waveform for that particular aac file. Would you mind sending me the aac file when you get a chance so I can test it and figure out where that's going wrong? I don't believe I've ever actually tested aac files with it, however the audio library Lightforge uses does support them. Also, sorry about the slow reply. I thought I had replied to this, but apparently I had just written the response and somehow forgotten to press post. I believe it was about 2 am when I was replying, so I can't say I'm super surprised (o;

    Chris Monson
    Lead Developer
    Visual Sorcery