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  • If you're anything like me, you'll frequently get sick and tired of the boss man constantly on your back. Does the company you work with grate on your nerves to the extent where you'd love to just scream for some relief? Did they give you the bonus they promised, or that well earned pay increase. If this sounds all too familiar, you might want to think about other potential avenues of employment.Big corporations aren't the only route nowadays. Over the last decade, the times have changed. Recently it has become much more feasible to go it alone and make money for yourself, particularly thanks to the rise of the internet. I bet such a career move has been sitting in the back of your mind for some time. It's only natural. We all ponder things like that from time to time. I understand this can be a daunting prospect, but isn't the possibility of losing your job whenever cutbacks have to be made just as scary?


    SO many people decide to go it alone, and you can start your own business too. I think the most attractive part is the freedom you get. Let's face it, when you start your own business, your the boss and you make the rules. No one likes to be told what to do - it's in our nature. However, when you start your own business, there's more than being in charge of yourself; there is a lot to do with your actual income. Everyone knows that when working for a large company, your working within a machine, ultimately making money for someone else. And no one likes being a dispensible cog. This inevitably means the boss is making a mint while you live on pennies. And surely you'll agree that's no way to live. It's about time you thought of starting your own business and put in some serious graft. It's always a good idea to start off slowly and on a small scale. You can keep your current job and work with your business on the side, building up your business gradually. Once it's up and running, you can get rid of the boss and the hassles that go with it. Believe me, people do this more often than you think.